The Thai and Burmese have competed against each other for centuries, both in times of war and times of peace.
The Old Way
Were the ancient Burmese, Thai, Cambodian and Lao bare-knuckle/bound-fist bouts a fight to the death, or were they fought for the most part in a more civilized manner?
Lethwei: More Than Just a Headbutt
Lethwei is a diverse and durable fighting sport that has evolved over the decades. It has slowly risen from the ashes of military control which limited its expansion to global notoriety in the wake of the opening of Myanmar.
In Remembrance of Saya U Ko Aung Pwe Maung (1966-2019)
We were very saddened to hear of the sudden passing of Saya U Aung Pwe Maung, the leader of the Aphyu Yaung Lethwei club. His considerable knowledge and wealth of experience was a major asset to our project. A wonderful coach, referee, father and former Lethwei competitor. It was always a joy seeing him and being around his fighters.
Born Warriors’ Moe Thee Dies in a Tragic Accident
Moe Thee was a friend who was featured throughout our Born Warriors documentary saga and in our online clips. He adopted the name Moe Thee when he began to compete as a teenager. Moe was a Lethwei competitor, promoter, teacher and went on to become a 2009 48kg Golden Belt champion.
DVD Giveaway Winners Announced
Five lucky winners won a free DVD copy of Born Warriors Redux: Bound Fists during our special giveaway promotion that ended on September 30th. Congratulations to our winners and all those who participated in our successful DVD giveaway.
Born Warriors Redux: Bound Fists Giveaway!
Enter now to win a free DVD of Born Warriors Redux: Bound Fists.
New Born Warriors Deluxe 4 Disc Edition
We are proud to announce that Born Warriors is now available on Blu-ray and DVD. Please check our Buy page for further information on ordering. More outlets in addition to iTunes and streaming will be added soon.
Born Warriors Wikipedia Entry
Our new Wikipedia entry adds additional details and provides an outstanding overview to how the documentaries were made and finally released.
Black Belt Essential Gear Section
Our Born Warriors Special Edition 3 Disc set was a recent Essential Gear pick for the months of February and March 2017.